Auto Insurance – Report a Claim If more than 2 people are involved, please call our agency directly to report the claim. Policy Number:Your Name: First Last Contact Person:Whom should the adjuster contact about repairs?Name:Home phone:Work phone:Email:* Authority Contacted:Police department:Report number:Claim Information:Date of loss:Location of claim:Cause of Loss:CollisionFireGlass BreakageTheftVandalismWind DamageOther-describe belowDescribe, if other cause of loss:Your Damaged Car:Year/Make/Model:Driver's name/address:Driver's phone number:Describe your damage:Is the car driveable? Yes No If not, where is it located?Persons Injured:Name and address:Phone number:Nature of Injuries:Describe Other Car:Year/Make/Model:Owner's name / address:Owner's Phone Number:Driver's name/address:Driver's Phone Number:Describe damage:Insurance agent/company:Describe What Occurred:Comments and/or Other InformationInsurance coverage will not be canceled, bound or modified without a written confirmation from Ledbetter Insurance Agency. CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.