Motorcycle Insurance You can be assured your data is secure with us and Honesty is our Gold Standard Ledbetter Insurance Motorcycle Quote Form We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly. 1Personal Information2Rider Information3Bike Information4Additional Information Your Name:*Street Address:City:*County:*State:*Select StateIllinoisIndianaIowaOhioMissouriWisconsinZip Code:*Email:* Phone:Fax: Driver's Name:*Birthdate:* YYYY slash MM slash DD License Number*Marital Status:* Married Unmarried Sex:MaleFemaleMxList below all accidents and /or tickets in last three years. Please provide approx date.Accident or TicketDate Click the (+) sign to add more accidents/ticketsDoes Driver need an SR22 Filing?YesNoWhich State?:IllinoisIndianaIowaMissouriOhioWisconsin Year of Motorcycle:*Make and Model:*Vehicle Identification Number:Limits of Liability*$25/50 BI / 20 PD$50/100 BI / 100 PD$100/300 BI / 100 PD$250/500 BI / 100 PDLimits of Liability*$20/40 BI / 15 PD$25/50 BI / 25 PD$50/100 BI / 25 PD$100/300 BI / 50 PDLimits of Liability*$20/50 BI / 10 PD$25/50 BI / 25 PD$50/100 BI / 25 PD$100/300 BI / 50 PD$100/300 BI / 100 PD$250/500 BI / 100 PDLimits of Liability*$12.5/25 BI$25/50 BI$7.5 PD$10 PD$25 PDLimits of Liability*$20/50 BI / 10 PD$50/100 BI / 100 PD$100/300 BI / 100 PD$250/500 BI / 100 PDLimits of Liability*$20/50 BI / 10 PD$25/50 BI / 25 PD$50/100 BI / 25 PD$100/300 BI / 50 PD$100/300 BI / 100 PD$250/500 BI / 100 PDComprehensive & Collision:No Coverage$250 Deductible$500 Deductible$1000 DeductibleMedical Coverage:$500$1000$2000$5000Do you want uninsured motorist property damage coverage?:YesNoDo you want Towing?:YesNoDo you have 6 month prior insurance within the last 30 days?YesNoCompanyDo you have the motorcycle endorsement on your drivers license?YesNoHow many years experience do you have riding a motorcycle?*What is the current value of your motorcycle without customization?What is the current value of any customization (Paint, Chrome bags, etc)?Do you want the customization coveredYesNoDollar AmountExplain any structurally modified changes to the motorcycleIf modified, did you receive a new VIN Number from the state for the changes?YesNoIs this bike stored in a locked facility when not in use?YesNoHave you taken the motorcycle safety rider course and can provide proofYesNo In the box below please provide any additional information you feel necessary to rate this risk properly.Thank you for completing the quote form. We will provide you your personal rate quote right away. Please Include the method by which you want your quote to be returned. (Make sure you have provided your contact information on this quote form.)*PhoneEmailFaxCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.