SR22 Auto Insurance in Illinois

Since 1988, Ledbetter Insurance has been providing SR22 Filings for State of Illinois residents. We will file your SR22 filing electronically to Illinois the same day we issue your application. Non-Owner Policies and Out of State Filings are written.

SR22 Insurance

In Illinois the Financial Responsibility Section of the Secretary of State in Springfield regulates and monitors the SR22 filing certificates. Ledbetter Insurance is authorized to attach SR22 filings to auto policies written in Illinois.

The agent electronically issues the policy with the SR22 filing and the insurance company sends the filing to Illinois. The Financial Responsibility Section will show this transaction in their database in five business days or so.

SR22 filings are issued anywhere from 12 months to 36 months depending on the type of violation. If the insurance policy expires or is cancelled the insurance company will notify the Financial Responsibility Section. At this point the Secretary of State will suspend the driving privileges by issuing a SR26 Cancellation Certificate. The insured can usually start the SR22 filing by submitting payment again to the agent. The policy would have to be reinstated or rewritten and the filing processed again.

The SR22 Filing Certificate is issued in one of the following:

  1. Operator’s Certificate – This policy covers the motorist in the operation of any non-owned vehicle. If the motorist does not own a vehicle, the financial responsibility requirement can be met through the Operator’s Certificate.
  2. Owner’s Certificate – This policy covers vehicles owned by the driver. The type of vehicle must be listed on the SR-22 or may be issued for “All owned vehicle”.
  3. Operators-Owners Certificate – This certificate covers all vehicles owned or non-owned by the driver.